Sikkim ‘foreigner tag’ issue: Darj witnesses rally


Even as a 48-hour strike started at Sikkim as a protest against the “foreigner” slur on Sikkim Nepalis made in a Supreme Court judgement recently, echoes of it were also heard in Darjeeling with the Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh (BGP), an apolitical body taking out a protest rally.

The rally today started from the Motor stand and ended at Chowrasta with slogans like “Sikkim do not be afraid; Darjeeling Hills are with you” heard in it. Apart from BGP members, also seen taking part in the rally were the ex-servicemen, representatives from different social organizations and the Hamro Party (HP) leaders like their party president Ajoy Edwards.

Speaking about the rally the BGP Zone 2 President, Akash Lama maintained that through this rally they wanted to ask the government to interfere in this matter as time and again they were branded as foreigners. He said that their units which was in 22 states would also be holding programs in the coming days. Adding to that Edwards said that they wanted to tell the people of Sikkim not to be afraid as they were with them. He added that Sikkim had always helped and supported them like the agitation in the mid-eighties. Edwards maintained that all should be united looking at the way the people of Sikkim also faced an “identity crisis” with them having a state whereas Darjeeling Hills not even having that. He also said that they will be holding a joint program with other political parties regarding this issue.