About Us

Covering news stories objectively, truthfully and honestly has become passé. Gone are the days when die-hard journalists used to lose sleep over a story and took a breather only when they were sure they had everything covered and had checked the smallest of facts and figures.

For journalism of our times, challenges galore, while quality takes a hit, with personalised, biased and fake news replacing truth and honesty, readers/audience gradually lose trust in the “fourth power.”

Amid such a crisis, The Himal World seeks to raise the bar that has been set of late, and give to its readers/audience what they always wanted–credibility, honesty, accuracy, and above all, a forum/platform for people to raise their voice.

A brainchild of senior and professional journalists working in the Himalayan region for the past over two and half decades, The Himal World is a comprehensive news portal that aims to cover the entire Himalayan belt, parts of which have hitherto remained unexplored.